Network Diffusion of Green Technology in Post-Fukushima Japan

Author David Castells-Quintana, Alvaro Domínguez, Felipe Santos-Marquez
Date of Publication 2024. 3
No. 2024-02
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Contents Introduction

We study the diffusion of adoptions of green technologies in Japan after the 2011 Fukushima incident. We find that, on average, munici-palities within a 120 km radius of a given nuclear power plant adopted green technology at a higher rate than those outside that radius. We then rely on a network diffusion model to analyze the direction, speed, and order in which municipalities adopted said technology. Next, we perform a counterfactual analysis by targeting key spreaders to alter the diffusion process. Finally, we propose a novel targeting method accounting for possible “bottlenecks” preventing the propagation pro-cess in the network.