Growth strategy forum
Dec. 14: [Commemorative Presentation as the President of Japanese Economic Association] The 47th AGI Growth Strategy Forum on "What I Have Learned about the Behavior of Japanese Households during My Forty-Year Research Career (40年の研究者生活から日本の家計行動について何を学んだか?)" (online) [finished]
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We invite distinguished speakers to deliver lectures at our “AGI Growth Strategy Forums” for the general public on topics such as economic and industrial trends in the international community, information that contributes to the development of the Kitakyushu region, and lessons from other countries’ experiences for enhancing economic growth. (This forum will be held online and free of charge.)
*Please refer to the following for details.
Date and Time
Thursday, December 14, 2023, from 2 PM to 3:30 PM
*A Q&A session is scheduled after the presentation.
Dr. Charles Yuji HORIOKA
President, Japanese Economic Association; Distinguished Professor, AGI; and Project Professor, Kobe University
Presentation Title
Commemorative Presentation as the President of Japanese Economic Association
“What I Have Learned about the Behavior of Japanese Households during My Forty-Year Research Career”
(Original Japanese title: 40年の研究者生活から日本の家計行動について何を学んだか?)
In this talk, I will discuss what I have learned during my 40-year
research career about whether the consumption and saving behavior of Japanese households differs from that of households in other countries and, in particular, about whether or not Japanese households are more or less rational, more or less selfish, more or less altruistic, more or less forward-looking, and more or less myopic than households in other countries.
◆ Hosted by Asian Growth Research Institute (AGI)
◆ Jointly Hosted by the City of Kitakyushu, and the Kitakyushu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
◆ Sponsored by the Industry Club of West Japan
Presenter Biography

Born in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, in 1956
B.A. in Economics, Ph.D. in Business Economics from Harvard University
Project Professor, Kobe University; Distinguished Professor, Asian Growth Research Institute; Invited Professor and Professor Emeritus, Osaka University; President, Japanese Economic Association; and President-elect, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth
Register to Participate
Registration Deadline
Tuesday, December 12
AGI Growth Strategy Forum on Thursday, December 14[in pdf format]
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⑤ A question-and-answer session is scheduled at the end of the presentation. If you would like to ask any questions, please either “raise your hand” or unmute your microphone and start talking. *You can also ask questions by sending chat messages.
① We will send you a Zoom link to the E-mail address provided in your participation request E-mail by the day before the seminar.
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④ When it is time to start the seminar, we will let all participants in at once.
⑤ A question-and-answer session is scheduled at the end of the presentation. If you would like to ask any questions, please either “raise your hand” or unmute your microphone and start talking. *You can also ask questions by sending chat messages.
◇ Participants’ microphones will be turned on at the beginning. Please make sure to mute your microphone during the presentation. During a question-and-answer session scheduled at the end of the presentation, please unmute your microphone.
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AGI Seminars
Jan. 23: AGI Seminar "From Expansion to Redevelopment: A Comprehensive Analysis of Urban Land Dynamics in China" (online) [finished]
We invite researchers who are engaged in research on Asia and hold AGI Seminars. Your participation is more than welcome!
*This seminar is free of charge and will be held online.
*Please refer to the following for details.
Date and Time
Thursday, January 23, 2025 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
*A question-and-answer session is scheduled at the end of the presentation.
Dr. Shuhai Zhang, Assistant professor, School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China, China
From Expansion to Redevelopment: A Comprehensive Analysis of Urban Land Dynamics in China
Recent trends such as population decline, a slowdown in economic growth, and the decreasing efficiency of construction land have significantly challenged China’s traditional land growth model. This model, characterized by large-scale land expansion and the occupation of agricultural land and ecological preserves, has been typical over the past few decades. However, a gradual shift from land expansion to the redevelopment of existing land is now underway. Classic theories, such as the Urban Growth Machine and the Political Economy Perspective, which were developed during the era of land expansion, are increasingly inadequate in explaining and predicting contemporary land redevelopment practices. As such, it is essential to explore the mechanisms underlying land redevelopment in China and understand how power dynamics and political decisions influence such process. This lecture will begin with a comprehensive review of the research landscape on urban land development and redevelopment. Building on this foundation, we will propose a theoretical framework and present empirical studies of specific cases. Additionally, we will examine the latest trends in land redevelopment at the national level. This is a preliminary exploration for a national research initiative, aimed at contributing to both theoretical development and policy design in relation to land redevelopment.
English presentation and material(s)
Presenter Biography

Dr. Shuhai Zhang serves as associate professor at the School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China. His research interests cover spatial planning, urban development and regeneration. He has chaired research projects funded by National Philosophy and Social Sciences Office, Ministry of Technology, Ministry of Natural Resources etc. He has published about 30 journal articles and 4 books.
To Participate
1. Online Registration
2. E-mail Registration
Please send us an e-mail at with your name, affiliation and phone number.
We will send you a Zoom link for participation via e-mail by the day before the seminar.
Registration Deadline
Wednesday, January 22 at 12:00 pm
AGI Seminar on January 23 [in PDF format]
How to Join Us Online
Staff Workshop
Jan. 29: Staff Seminar "Spatial Dynamics of Air Pollution and Income in China" (online) [finished]
We regularly hold Staff Seminars for research presentations and information exchanges among AGI Researchers.
*This seminar will be online and free of charge.
*Please refer to the following for details.
Date and Time
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
*A question-and-answer session is scheduled at the end of the presentation.
Dr. Alvaro DOMINGUEZ, Assistant Professor, AGI
Spatial Dynamics of Air Pollution and Income in China
We examine the spatial distribution of air pollution, specifically PM2.5 levels, and income across 285 prefectural-level and above cities in China. Our analysis combines static spatial dependence techniques to identify clusters of high pollution (hot spots) and low pollution (cold spots), highlighting a strong negative relationship between income and air pollution, with wealthier regions typically enjoying better air quality. To deepen this understanding, we apply spatial Markov chains to evaluate whether regions are converging over time in terms of air pollution and income levels. This integrated approach not only uncovers spatial patterns but also tracks temporal dynamics, providing insights that can inform strategies to enhance public health, promote environmental equity, and improve overall quality of life.
English presentation and material(s)
Researcher Biography

Alvaro Dominguez is an Assistant Professor at AGI specializing in the Economics of Networks and Environmental Economics. His work explores strategies for accelerating green technology adoption, distribution of pollutants in Japan, and network dynamics in negotiations. He holds a PhD in Economics from Nagoya University.
To Participate
1. Online Registration
2. E-mail Registration
Please send us an e-mail at with your name, affiliation and phone number clearly stated.
We will send you a Zoom link for participation via e-mail by the day before the seminar.
Registration Deadline
Tuesday, January 28 at 12:00 pm
Staff Seminar on January 29 [in PDF format]
How to Participate Online
Other Seminars
We held "The 15th AGI-Fudan University Development Forum (FY 2024)" on December 6, 2024
AGI signed an academic exchange agreement with “the School of Social Development and Public Policy”, Fudan University located in Shanghai, China in 2006. We have been holding a joint forum every year since 2010, and we just held our 15th joint forum in person at Fudan University on Friday, December 6. The forum was hosted by Fuday University this year. The theme of the forum was “Declining Birthrates in East Asia: Causes, Impacts, and Countermeasures”, which is the same as last year, and researchers from AGI and Fudan University presented and discussed on situations in Japan, China and Taiwan.
AGI-Fudan University Development Forum FY 2024
○Date: Friday, December 6, 2024
○Venue: Fudan University, Shanghai, China
○Theme: Declining Birthrates in East Asia: Causes, Impacts, and Countermeasures
○Host: School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University, China/ Co-Host: Asian Growth Research Institute
Opening Remarks: ZHANG, Zhen, Professor & Director, Institute of Population Research, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University
Session 1
Organizer: SHEN, Ke, Vice Dean, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University; Professor, Institute of Population Research
“Taiwan’s Foreign Caregiver Acceptance System and Implications for East Asia”
DAI, Erbiao, President & Professor, AGI
“Housing (de-)Financialisation in China: Reviving Affordable Housing Schemes in the Post-Crisis Era”
SHEN, Jie, Professor & Director, Institute of Population Research, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University
“Internet use and fertility intention in China”
KOMATSU, Sho, Assistant Professor, AGI
Session 2
Organizer: LUO, Weixiang, Vice Director, Institute of Population Research, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University, China; Assistant Professor
“Health Disparity among Older Adults in Urban China: Does Labor Migration Matter?”
PAN, Zehan, Vice Director, Institute of Population Research, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University; Professor
“Aging Farmers and the Role of Community in Adaptation to Extreme Temperature Effects on Crop Yields”
KO, Yi-Chun. Assistant Professor, AGI
“Evaluation of Labor Supply Potential of the Low-age Elderly in China”
ZHANG, Linlin, Associate Professor, Institute of Population Research, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University
Closing Remarks: DAI, Erbiao. Professor & President, AGI, and WANG, Guixin. Professor, Institute of Population Research, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University
Asian Seminar
FY2013 Asian Seminar
第168回 (2013年11月16日、参加者68名)
武内 和彦 東京大学サステイナビリティ学連携研究機構・機構長、国連大学上級副学長
依田 高典 京都大学大学院経済学研究科教授
石田 謙悟 北九州市環境局環境国際戦略室アジア低炭素化センター担当部長
小石 佐織 北九州市上下水道局海外・広域事業部長
住 明正 国立環境研究所理事長
第167回 (2013年10月1日、参加者63名)
網岡 健司 NPO法人北九州サスティナビリティ研究所理事
Session 1
1 自治体の低炭素都市形成戦略のあり方
天野 宏欣(あまの ひろやす) (公財)福岡アジア都市研究所 主任研究員
2 佐賀市における持続可能な「環境都市」戦略
五十嵐 勉 佐賀大学教授
3 市民と企業から見た持続可能な環境都市:北九州市の取り組み
今井 健一 (公財)国際東アジア研究センター主席研究員
Session 2
1 釜山地域の環境コミュニティビジネス活性化方案
梁 鎭宇 釜山発展研究院 先任研究委員
2 気候変化対応のための光州広域市の低炭素グリーン都市造成方案
金 峯辰 光州発展研究院研究委員
3 蔚山型生態都市の成果とその評価
李 尚火玄 蔚山発展研究院 先任研究委員
第166回 (2013年9月10日、参加者58名)
高麗大学校 名誉教授
黄 義王玉
第165回 (2013年7月24日、参加者51名)
九州工業大学大学院 工学研究院電気電子工学研究系電子デバイス部門 教授
大村 一郎
(独)産業技術総合研究所 エネルギー技術研究部門電力エネルギー基盤グループ グループ長
西澤 伸一
第164回 (2013年6月3日、参加者75名)
「グローカル産業としての林業の可能性~九州の林業の動向を中心に~ 」
北九州市立大学大学院マネジメント研究科 教授
城戸 宏史
第163回 (2013年4月23日、参加者67名)
公益財団法人国際東アジア研究センター 研究員
Asia Development Conference
The 3nd International Conference
The 3nd International Conference on the ”ConstructingCreative Cities and their Collaboration in Asia”
Date:November 19-21, 2007
Venue:Rihga Royal Hotel Kokura
Keynote Speech
”The art of creative city making: Building on Asia’s distinctiveness”
Director, COMEDIA, UK
Charles LANDRY
OPen Symposium
“Strategy for Making Creative Cities in Asia”
Prof., Osaka City University, Japan
Masayuki Sasaki
Director, ItozuZoo, Japan
Toshiro IWANO
Assoc. Prof., Temple University, Japan
President, RPA, N.Y.,USA
Robert YARO
Director, COMEDIA, UK
Charles LANDRY
Prof., The University of Kitakyushu, Japan