Full bibliographic citation
(author(s), article, journal, vol., no., pp.)
戴二彪,2013,「21世紀の日本華人」『華僑華人青書:華僑華人研究報告(2013)』(『中国語:华侨华人蓝皮书/华侨华人研究报告(2013)』),pp.77-113,北京:中国社会科学文献出版社(中国語) |
戴二彪・彭雪,2013, 「21世紀の韓国華人」『華僑華人青書:華僑華人研究報告(2013)』(『中国語:华侨华人蓝皮书/华侨华人研究报告(2013)』),pp.114-148,北京:中国社会科学文献出版社(中国語) |
Ramstetter, Eric D., Shahrazat Binti Haji Ahmad, Archanun Kohpaiboon, and Dionisius Narjoko, 2013. “MNEs and Energy Efficiency in Southeast Asian Manufacturing”, Asian Economic Papers, 13(4), 120-147. |
Ramstetter, Eric D. and Phan Minh Ngoc, 2013. “Productivity, ownership, and producer concentration in transition: Further evidence from Vietnamese manufacturing”, Journal of Asian Economics, 25, 28-42. |
Sakamoto Hiroshi、Fan Jin、2013、「Regional Income Disparity in China Using Value-Added Data: Decomposition and Distribution Dynamics」、Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies、Vol. 25、No. 1、pp. 15-33 (ICSEAD Working Paper 2009-24). |
Sihun Yang, Seiya Abe, Toshiyuki Zaitsu, Junichi Yamamoto, Masahito Shoyama, Tamotsu Ninomiya, “Consideration of Operating Characteristics for Bi-directional LLC Resonant Converter,” International Journal of Renewable Energy Research Vol.2, No.4 |
Sihun Yang, Seiya Abe, Masahito Shoyama, “Design consideration of Low-Profile LLC Resonant Converter for Reducing Temperature of The Transformer,” 九州大学大学院システム情報科学府紀要第17巻 第2号 pp. 49-54 |
Imai, Kenichi. (2012). Linking Municipal Emissions Trading Schemes Across Asia: The Merits in Attaining Carbon Dioxide Abatement Targets and Reducing Its Costs. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 5, No. 8, pp.51-62. |
韓成一,具京模(2012)「大標本データによる日本港湾政策の効果分析」経済経営研究,第7巻第2号, pp.83~96 |
岸本千佳司, 2012. 「中国ファクター活用による台湾企業ブランドの推進」『赤門マネジメント・レビュー』 11巻12号(2012年12月号), pp.785-820.(査読付き) |
坂本博、2012、「中国の地域内格差:広西壮族自治区と雲南省の比較」、地域学研究、第42巻第3号、pp.761-775(ICSEAD Working Paper 2012-02). |
戴二彪,2012,『新移民と中国の経済発展:頭脳流出から頭脳循環へ』,東京:多賀出版 (単著) |
DAI Erbiao and Xue Jinjun, 2012. “Housing Inequality and Underlying Factors in Urban China: A Study Based on Panel Data of the NBS Survey (2004-2007)”, in Xue (ed.) Growth with Inequality: An international Comparison on Income distribution, pp.273-291. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. |
戴二彪・李燕,2012, 「日本城市的公共住房政策:成就,改革及其对中国的启示」(The Evolution of Public Housing Policies in Japan: Implications for China)『中国都市研究』(年刊)第5巻,pp:162-175,北京:商務印書館 (中国語) |
坂本博、2012、「地域内所得格差と人口移動:中国江蘇省の事例」、地域学研究、第42巻第2号、pp.473-491(ICSEAD Working Paper 2011-05). |
Sakamoto Hiroshi、2012、「A Study on Income Disparity in Indonesia Using CGE Model」、in Hefrizal Handra、Budy P. Resosudarmo、Arief A. Yusuf、Elfindri、Efa Yonnedi eds.、『Regional Development and Finances: Challenges for Expanding and Financing Public Services』、IRSA Book Series on Regional Development No. 10、Andalas University Press、Padang、pp. 81-102 (ICSEAD Working Paper 2010-10). |
範金、楊中衛、坂本博、2012、「中国城鎮居民消費差距的動態演進及分類决定(中国語)」、管理評論、第24巻第7期、pp.13-23. |
Hidetoshi Hirai, Yuya Kasho, Masanori Tsukuda and Ichiro Omura, “Bonding Wire Current Measurement with Tiny Film Current Sensors”, Proc. of ISPSD2012, pp. 287-290, 2012. |
Kota Seto, Ryu Kamibaba, Masanori Tsukuda and Ichiro Omura, “Universal Trench Edge Termination Design”, Proc. of ISPSD2012, pp. 161-164, 2012. |
Masanori Tsukuda, Keiichiro Kawakami and Ichiro Omura, “Scattering Parameter Approach to Power MOSFET Design for EMI”, Proc. of ISPSD, pp. 181-184, 2012. |
Sakamoto Hiroshi、2012、「CGE Analysis of Transportation Cost and Regional Economy: East Asia and Northern Kyushu」、Regional Science Inquiry、Vol. 4、No. 1、pp. 121-140 (ICSEAD Working Paper 2011-04). |
Seiya Abe, Sihun Yang, Masahito Shoyama, Tamotsu Ninomiya, Akira Mtsumoto, Akiyoshi Fukui, “Malfunction Issue of SiC-SIT Based DC Circuit Breaker in 400V DC Power Distribution Systems for Data Centers,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌B, Vol.E95-B, No.06, pp. 1990-1996 |
DaiErbiao and XueJinjun (2012) “Housing inequality and underlying factors in urban China: A study based on panel data of the NBS survey (2004-2007)”, in Xue Jinjun (ed ) Growth With Inequality: An International Comparison on Income Distribution pp.277-296, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing |
Ramsetter, Eric D., 2012. “Remanufacturing and the 3Rs in Japan: Lessons for Thailand”, Thammasat Economic Journal, 30(4), 42-67. |
Ramstetter, Eric D. and Shahrazat Binti Haji Ahmad, 2011. “Foreign Multinationals in Malaysian Manufacturing After the Crisis”, Thammasat Economic Journal, 29(4), 124-160 (journal date Dec 2011) |
Yang, Chih-Hai, Chun-Chien Kuo, and Eric D. Ramstetter, 2011. “Intellectual Property Rights and Patenting in China’s High-technology Industries, Does Ownership Matter?”, China & World Economy, 19(5), 102-122. |
Ramstetter, Eric D., 2011. “Ranking Locations for Japan’s Manufacturing Multinationals in Asia: A Literature Survey Illustrated with Indexes”, Asian Economic Journal, 25(2), 197-226. |
戴二彪,岸本千佳司,2011,「中国の『留学生企業』の躍進と地方政府の役割-Suntech Power(無錫尚徳太陽能電力)の事例-」,『赤門マネジメント・レビュー』, 10 巻1 号,pp. 1-34. |