Staff Seminar (October 15, 2019) Announcement

The Asian Growth Research Institute (AGI) organizes seminars given by its staff.

Date and Time

1:30-3:00pm on Tuesday, October 15, 2019


6th Fl. Meeting Room, Asian Growth Research Institute
(6th Fl., Otemachi Bldg. “MOVE”, 11-4 Otemachi, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu)

Participation Fee



English for both presentation and hand-out material(s)


Tien M. Vu
(Research Assistant Professor, Asian Growth Research Institute)

Topic and Abstract

Topic: “Effects of weather on test scores in Vietnam”

We examine the effects of average test day temperature and extreme weather on 1,125,953 math z-scores of Vietnamese high school students for up to 3 different test times of 2009 national university and college entrance examinations. Using a student fixed effect, we find that an increase of 1°F results in a loss of approximately 0.006 standard deviation for the z-score. Furthermore, extreme precipitation and drought critical to paddy yields have an adverse effect on test scores, particularly during the high school calendar year. We also find that women and ethnic minorities are most vulnerable to the effects of weather.

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