Tues., Feb. 20, 2024: AGI Seminar “人的資本の経済・社会効果” (online) [Presentations by young researchers] [finished]

We invite researchers who are engaged in research on Asia and hold AGI Seminars. Your participation is more than welcome!

*This seminar will be online and free of charge.

*Please refer to the following for details.

Date and Time

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
*A question-and-answer session is scheduled at the end of each presentation in Part 1 and 2.




Hang Thu NGUYEN-Phung, Assistant Professor, AGI


Part 1
(15-minute Q&A session included)

Educational Attainment and Wage Inequality in Thailand: A Quantile Regression Analysis from 2009 to 2018

Presenter: Dr. Variya KUNAPASUT, Senior Researcher, Ritsumeikan Asia-Japan Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University

Abstract: This paper explores the relationship between educational levels and income inequality of people living in the central region of Thailand during 2009 and 2018. We estimate Mincerian wage equations using ordinary least squares and quantile regression. We find that wage distribution in Thailand as a result of educational levels has improved during the period of study. Grouping the population by educational level, it was found that within-group inequality is the largest among university graduates and the largest decrease in the spread is also found among those with university degrees or higher. Similarly, primary school graduates also record the smallest within-groups inequality and the smallest decrease in the spread. The between-groups inequality has also shrunk between university graduates and other educational levels. The improvement in income distribution is mainly caused by the decrease in the wage gap around the middle (q25-q75) of the income quantiles while leaving wage differentials at both ends relatively unchanged.

Language: English presentation and material(s)

Presenter Biography:

After graduated from Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics in 2023, started working for AJI (Asia-Japan research institute) Ritsumeikan University as a senior researcher. In PhD years, was working on income inequality in developing countries, especially Thailand, international trade, trade liberalization, and wage inequality. Recently became interested in topics concerning gender inequality, education, and population policy.

Part 2
(15-minute Q&A session included)


Presenter: Dr. Yuxuan DU, Assistant Researcher, Tsinghua University, China

Abstract: ESG(環境・社会・企業統治)は、企業の持続的で健全な発展および価値向上を推進するためのコア・コンピタンスの1つとなり、社会経済の長期的な安定と繁栄を実現させる重要な切り口とされている。企業のESGパフォーマンスの向上をいかに促進するかは学界で注目されている重要な課題である。本研究では、経営陣(Top Management Team, TMT)の経験を基に、その学術的経験がESGパフォーマンスに与える具体的な影響や外部ガバナンス(機関投資家の持ち株比率)のモデレート効果を考察した。研究結果として、(1)TMTの学術的経験はESGパフォーマンスに有意な正の影響を与える。また、内生性の問題を考慮した結果でも頑健性が示された。(2)TMTの学術的経験は、ESGに対する有意な正の影響が主に環境と社会のパフォーマンスに現れる一方、企業統治に対する影響は有意ではない。(3)TMTの学術的経験とESGパフォーマンスの関係は外部ガバナンスによってポジティブにモデレートされる。(4)TMTの学術的経験を元に高められたESGは、企業のグリーン・イノベーションのパフォーマンスをさらに高める。本研究は、どのようなTMTの経験がESGにエンパワメント効果をもたらすのかを明確にし、ESGパフォーマンスの向上に向けてTMTの権力構造を改善するための経験的示唆を提供したいと考えている。

Language: Japanese presentation and material(s)

Presenter Biography:

Assistant Researcher at School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, and Visiting Researcher at Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University. Received his Ph.D. (Business Administration) from Tohoku University. He worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Tohoku University until April 2022 before his current position. He has conducted both qualitative and quantitative research in various fields such as ESG, ethical consumption and digital marketing, and had more than 20 papers published in academic journals in Japanese, English and Chinese in the last 5 years.

To Participate

1. Online Registration

2. E-mail Registration
Please send us an e-mail at with your name, affiliation and phone number clearly stated.

We will send you a Zoom link for participation via e-mail by the day before the seminar.

Registration Deadline

Monday, February 19 at 12:00 pm





You can either download the Zoom application in advance (1) or participate via a browser without downloading the Zoom application (2).
Please choose one of the above two methods.
*If you are using a Smartphone, please choose (1).

① Please download an online distribution application “Zoom” (free of charge) onto your computer or Smartphone.
*Click Here for How to Download the Application

You can download the application onto your computer by clicking the 【ダウンロード】 button.

You can also download the application from these pages.
・For iPhones and iPads
» Download Zoom Application

・For Android phones
» Download Zoom Application

② We will send you a Zoom link to the e-mail address provided in your participation request e-mail by the day before the seminar.

③ Please click and open the Zoom link between 15 minutes before the start time and the actual start time on the seminar day. ⇒ You will be asked to wait in our “Waiting Room.”

④ When it is time to start the seminar, we will let all participants in at once.

⑤ A question-and-answer session is scheduled at the end of the presentation. If you would like to ask any questions, please either “raise your hand” or unmute your microphone and start talking. *You can also ask questions by sending chat messages.


① We will send you a Zoom link to the e-mail address provided in your participation request e-mail by the day before the seminar.

② Please click and open the Zoom link between 15 minutes before the start time and the actual start time on the seminar day.

③ Please click the 『ブラウザから参加』 at the bottom portion of your screen (if not displayed, please click the 『ここをクリック』). ⇒ You will be asked to wait in our “Waiting Room.”

④ When it is time to start the seminar, we will let all participants in at once.

⑤ A question-and-answer session is scheduled at the end of the presentation. If you would like to ask any questions, please either “raise your hand” or unmute your microphone and start talking. *You can also ask questions by sending chat messages.


◇ Participants’ microphones will be turned on at the beginning. Please make sure to mute your microphone during the presentation. During a question-and-answer session scheduled at the end of the presentation, please unmute your microphone.
◇ If you would like to turn off your audio (microphone) and image (video), please click the microphone icon and video icon at the bottom left portion of your screen. The icons will be crossed by a red diagonal line.
◇ Depending on your computer or Wi-Fi signal strength, there could be a case where you will not be able to participate in the seminar or you will lose an internet connection in the middle of the seminar. However, we are unable to deal with those cases individually. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

