Sat., May 25: Our Chairman, Dr. Tatsuo Hatta, attended “The 34th CIDEG Academic Committee Meeting”

On Saturday, May 25, 2024, “The 34th CIDEG Academic Committee Meeting”, an international conference organized by the Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance (CIDEG) of Tsinghua University, China, was held in Beijing. Our Chairman, Dr. Tatsuo Hatta, who is a member of its academic committee, attended the meeting in person.

The theme of this 34th meeting was “Comparative Study of Chinese and Japanese Economic Policies: Structural Reforms and Social Security Systems”, and Dr. Hatta gave a keynote speech and participated in a round-table dialogue in the session of “Comparison of Social Security Systems.”

Date: Saturday, May 25, 2024
Venue: Carbon Neutral Research Institute, Beijing, China
Organizer: Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance (CIDEG), Tsinghua University, China


Category:Research Activities