Physical Distribution and Logistics Research for the Northern Kyushu Region
Manufacturing industries under the today’s global economy are increasingly relying on the ‘Supply Chain Management(SCM)’ based on the seamless and comprehensive pysical distribution and logistics network.
Concerned with this general awareness, the ICSEAD initiated a research project to study how the Northern Kyushu Region can take full advantage of its geographical proximity to Asian countries by means of the development of appropriate strategy for its physical distribution and logistics system.
Research Advisory Panel on Logistics Strategy
In fiscal 2010, the ICSEAD undertook a research project jointly with the the Ports and Harbours Association of Japan’ with a view to proposing a set of comprehensive logistics starategy for the Northern Kyushu Region as a part of its economic growth starategy. As a platform for this research, the ICSEAD assembled the ‘Research Advisory Panel on Logistics Strategy’ with members representing expert researchers and professionals in the field.
Policy Proposals of the Research Advisory Panel on Logistics Starategy