On the Transitional Economies in East Asia

Author Shoichi Ito, Katsuhiro Miyamoto, Shinichi Ichimura
Date of Publication 1999. 10
No. 1999-19
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Contents Introduction

This paper consists of three parts: (1) Introduction (S. Ichimura); (2) The Characteristics of Transition in the Chinese Economy (S. Ito); (3) Contemporary Status and Prospects of Economic Transition in Far Eastern Russia (K. Miyamoto). The introduction points out political factors and highlights the dominant influence of overseas Chinese merchants and foreign direct investment. The second part examines the transition of the Chinese economy focusing on changes in industrial structure, labor relations, and the ownership of enterprises. It also points out some difficulties confronted by the transition in China. The third part deals with the transition in the regions of Far Eastern Russia focusing on changes in the industrial and regional composition economic activities as well as changes in commodity composition of the region's trade with Asian countries in the 1990’s.