July 5: AGI Seminar “From hospitality to hostility: Impact of the Rohingya refugee influx on the sentiments of host communities” (online) [finished]
June 29: AGI Seminar “中国経済はなぜ急成長できたのか?” (online) [finished]
June 20: Staff Seminar “Expansion of exports of Kyushu's agricultural, forestry and fishery products taking advantage of Kitakyushu Airport” (online) [finished]
2023.06.01Seminars AGI News
July 9 to 12: The 14th Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association (ACFEA) at Kitakyushu International Conference Center in Fukuoka, Japan [finished]
2023.05.11Research Exchanges
Apr. 28-30: Our Distinguished Professor, Dr. Charles Yuji Horioka, was invited to an international conference in Turkey as a guest speaker
Prof. Thu Hang Nguyen-Phung’s paper got published in the "Education Economics"
Prof. Ying Yao’s paper got published in an international academic journal "Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists"
May 23: Staff Seminar “Human and Physical Capitals as Farm Adaptation Capacity to Climate Change: Evidence from Corn Yields in US” (online) [finished]
May 12: AGI Seminar “自動車の完全自動運転下における損害賠償ルールと安全性能の選択” (online) [finished]
2023.04.01AGI News
2 New Staff in Our Research Division!