THE JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRIC STUDY OF NORTHEAST ASIA is interested primarily in publishing articles on econometric analysis of the Northeast Asian region(s), or related regions, including various types of modeling, econometric studies, and the development of a body of data, such as for national accounts, input-output tables, flow-of –funds accounts, and various indices of prices and quantities, etc.
– Vol.8 No.2 March 2013
– Vol.9 No.1 September 2013
– Vol.9 No.2 August 2014
– Vol.10 No.1 November2015
Takahiro Akita
(International University of Japan)
Soshichi Kinoshita
(Nagoya University)
Reiitsu Kojima
(Daito Bunka University)
Masaaki Kuboniwa
(Hitotsubashi University)
Shuntaro Shishido*
(University of Tsukuba and International University of Japan)
Tatsuo Hatta
(International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development)
* Chairman of the Board
Kiyoshi Fujiwara
(Nagoya University)
Osamu Nakamura
(International University of Japan)
Sang-woo Nam
(Asia Development Bank)
Haruki Niwa
(Osaka Gakuin University)
Steven Rosefield
(University of North Carolina)
Hiroshi Sakamoto
(International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development)
Shinichiro Tabata
(Hokkaido University)
Yasushi Toda
(University of Florida)
Qiyan Wang
(Renmin University of China)
The manuscript should be submitted as electronic files to . Authors are encouraged to email the Editors at the same address should they have additional questions about the submission process.
Published Article:
Author(s) (year), “Title”, Journal, Volume Number, Page Number(s), Publisher, City of Publication
Unpublished Articles:
Author(s) (year), “Title”, Type of Paper, Page Number(s), University or Foundation
The copyright to accepted papers belongs to the Asian Growth Research Institute.